About Mary Anne

My Story
I am a licensed school psychologist in the state of Florida with expertise in gifted, learning disabilities and ADHD. For over 30 years, I have enjoyed working with children, parents, and teachers in public and private settings. I started my career as a counselor for students with disabilities. Later, I taught middle school and was an assistant principal, before becoming a school psychologist. My career with the school district of Palm Beach County spanned 28 years. I have been an adjunct professor in the graduate Counseling Department at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Currently, I maintain a private practice in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
I have co-authored five books to help parents understand issues facing children including ADHD, executive functioning difficulties, and stress. I have enjoyed opportunities to speak at national and state conferences, as well as at local schools on topics related to children.
In 2012, I was honored to be selected Florida School Psychologist of the Year by the Florida Association of School Psychologists. My passion for helping children has come out of my own life experience. My oldest child, Neal, died at two years of age from neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer that occurs in babies and young children. Losing a life so full of promise reinforced the value and dignity of every human life and probably ignited my passion to help parents guide their children to their best life.
My goal is to treat each child as I want my own to be treated. I strive to help parents identify their children’s strengths and equip them with strategies for shoring up any areas that could interfere with their success. One of my guiding principles is reflected in a quote that hangs in my office, “It is better to build children than repair adults."